Mining Jobs In Australia - Apply

Mining jobs in Australia are quickly becoming one of the most popular jobs to take. Although the hours are long and the work is somewhat dangerous, the compensation you receive for your troubles is often significant. Many mining jobs in Australia are located in very remote locations and, as a result, many companies offer housing and other benefits such as annual leave assistance. Often, depending on how tight the market is, these benefits can be negotiated from the start as a part of the package when you are hired, even if the company doesn't offer them initially when you speak to them.

Which Mining Companies are Hiring

Thanks to the magic of the Internet, even if you don't live down under you can still find Australian mining jobs that are available. Three of the largest mining companies in Australia are BPH Billton, Rio Tinto and Fluor. Each of these companies has its own website, on which can be found current job openings.
In addition to the websites of various companies, keep an eye on social media outlets. Many of the companies have Twitter feeds or Facebook pages, and on these pages or feeds are occasionally posted information on job openings. If you are serious about snagging a mining job in Australia, the feeds and pages of these companies are certainly worth monitoring. LinkedIn is another good site to use, allowing you to mine for personal contacts. Type in the names of the companies in Australia and see if you've got any connections, most likely second or third degree, which could be approached to ask about job openings.

How To Apply

Flying most of the way around the world and hoping to land a mining job upon arrival in Australia is certainly one way to apply for such a job. If you prefer something a little less adventurous, however, the Internet once again comes to your rescue. In many cases, the websites of the various mining companies will give you the opportunity to apply online.
You might also consider attending a trade show, sponsored by organizations such as the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. Most often, these shows are attended by companies from all over the world as well as companies based in the United States but operating in Australia. These trade shows and expos will give you an excellent chance to get some networking done, talk to the companies' representatives face to face and hand out your resume directly to those representatives.

Working Abroad

If you don't live in Australia, you will need to get a visa in order to work there. A Subclass 457 visa is the most common for foreign workers and sometimes the employer will sponsor you. The Subclass 457 visa allows companies to bring in employees for jobs that can't easily be filled by the Australian workforce.
If you haven't yet been hired or the company isn't registered to sponsor visas you can apply for a Subclass 175 visa. The Subclass 175 visa is designed for skilled workers who are under 50 years old, have skills considered vital to Australia's economic interests and speak English.
Some jobs require you to obtain a visa before applying, whereas others will require you to get one after being hired. Regardless of the type of visa you apply for, it is likely that you will be required to submit to a few tests. Your skills, health and general character will be looked at, and you will likely have to submit records from the last 10 years showing that you have or do not have any criminal arrests.

What to Expect

It's good to know what you have to look forward to once you land that job. Prepare yourself for long hours - In many cases, you will find yourself working 12 hours per day for two weeks straight, followed by 4 days off . And, although the jobs are as safe as possible, there is always an element of danger involved with mining.
On the positive side, the salaries are high. Most sites don't list salary information, but as per the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average salary earned in the mining industry is A$108,000 annually. Combined with the possible housing and other perks of the job, it's easy to see why many people are interested in this profession.
Getting a job in the Australian mining industry might be a little more difficult than popping down to the local grocery store to fill out an application, and the work is certainly more difficult and dangerous, but many find it to be satisfying, both on a personal and financial level.
Victor Daily is always up to date when it comes to business and markets. He is a passionate blogger and business consultant, currently writing about the Australian jobs market for Apply Direct.

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